Monthly report attached - December 2022

Bad sites detected and shared with vendors for removal: 59

Generic, but got sent to BAL holders to try and lure them to visit the bogus sites (fake airdrop approval scam)

Scams Balancer 1680 hits in 27* files

Search "(balancer|balahcer|bqlancer|baIancer|balencer|baiencer|balancer-fi|balancer-fl|baiancer-fi|balencer-fi)" (1690 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)

As balancer is a common word and "Load Balancer" is often registered there is a lot to filter though, but the real number of scams is fairly low, about 660 from 1680 or less than 1%.

Nota Bene: I was AFK for 3 days around Christmas and New Years eve, thus only 27 files, instead of 31!
The data for 3 of the months days is aggregated and present in just one bigger file, which contains data for 3 days.
I usually split them on a daily basis to make filtering easier.

Metamask, airdrop, walletconnect, etc:

Search "airdrop" (312 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)
Search "coinbase" (625 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)
Search "elonmusk" (327 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)
Search "metamask" (623 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)
Search "pancakeswap" (168 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)
Search "sushiswap" (55 hits in 20 files of 27 searched)
Search "trustwallet" (42 hits in 14 files of 27 searched)
Search "walletconnect" (18 hits in 10 files of 27 searched)

jaw drop clip art - Clip Art
        LibraryTotal potential bad hits for the month ~26K

Search "(coinbase|colnbase|c0inbase|c0lnbase|cornbase|coirbase|balancer|balahcer|bqlancer|baIancer|[a-zA-Z]*1inch[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*1inch-[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z]*oneinch[a-zA-Z]*|a-zA-Z]*1-inch[a-zA-Z]*|a-zA-Z]*1-inch[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*1inch[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakesw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakesv[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancokesv[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancokesw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakosw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakkesw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancake5[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*uniswap[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*uniswap-[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z]*unisvap[a-zA-Z]*|a-zA-Z]*unisvap[a-zA-Z]*|a-zA-Z]*uni-[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*unisvv[a-zA-Z]*|unlswap"|[a-zA-Z]*uniswap[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*uniswap-[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z]*unisvap[a-zA-Z]*|a-zA-Z]*unisvap[a-zA-Z]*|a-zA-Z]*uni-[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakesw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakesv[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancokesv[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancokesw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakosw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*pancakkesw[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*uniswap[a-zA-Z]*|[a-zA-Z]*uniswap-[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z]*unisvap[a-zA-Z]*|dapp|wallets|wallect|synchr|rectify|unlock|walet|1inch|airdrop|ethereum|walet|wallet|coinbase|uniswap|pancakeswap|liquidity|vvallet|metamask|metamaks|metemask|metamaks|paraswap|exchange|liquidity|kraken|bitso|dapp|sushiswap|sushlswap|sushisvv|opensea|polygon|walletconnect|waletconect|waiietconnect)" (26619 hits in 27 files of 27 searched)

Multiple offenders (about 10) exposed in Discord

Social engineering warning to mods and staff

Warnings and heads ups issued in Discord

Fake apps google play store taken down - 3 this month

Not crypto specific, just mobile trojans that could also steal your crypto assets, if a malicious actor takes control over a Mobile device.

70 GH pull requests (dot and metamask anti-phish repos) in December